Wednesday, 30 October 2013

I just carved a pumpkin for the first time in my life.  It felt oddly unpatriotic.  Still, I made a grumpy pumpkin, so that is quite fitting for the Yorkshire mentality.

Then, to show allegiance to the other side of my ancestry, I carved a tree.  That's right - I am coming out and admitting that I am part tree.

We are an ancient people, and have been pushed back from covering most of the land by puny humans (whose guise we have adopted in order to survive), until many of us actually live in houses and...

No, wait.  Not what I was blogging about.  Pumpkin carving, that was it.

Pumpkins are pulpy.  Bet you didn't know that, what with it being esoteric knowledge known only to a privileged few and all that.  I was bored before I got all of the stringy, pulpy, seed-filled stuff out, but at least then I got to try out the carving.

The face is a bit wonky and is, as I have said above, somewhat mardy looking, but on the whole he is a fairly nice pumpkin face.  I am not sure if he will scare anyone.  On balance, the odds are not in his favour (so I hope there isn't a sudden Pumpkin Hunger Games, 'cos he might lose to the bigger pumpkin faces across the street), but he should be safe enough on his windowsill.  My assassin dog will glare at any kids who darken our door, so that'll sort the scary part of Halloween.

I don't really get Halloween.  I rarely went trick-or-treating, and then only down our street, and I have not really got on board with the dressing up thing.  We went to a Rocky Horror shows each year at Uni, and got dressed up for that, but I was princess in a blue and silver dress one year, so the scary thing clearly hadn't settled into my head properly.  I more went with 'what is completely out of character for me'.

Having just about worked up to having some sweets for little kids when they turn up at the door, I feel pumpkin carving is quite a big step.  I mean, one year, I had a black cat and a witch hat.  Not sure who the cat belonged to, but it got cuddled by me for most of the evening.  That was the year no-one came to my house, though, so nobody got to see it.  I think we had a few kids last year, so maybe some people will come by and see my pumpkin tree.


  1. That is a good tree. Are you sure that was only your second pumpkin? We don't answer the door at Halloween. No ones tried a trick yet - good luck if they do and Al catches them. I wouldn't mind giving out sweets but it stresses him out. I will be doing standard me things for Halloween

    1. I always liked our Valentines Day celebration. I actually kept up the tradition all these years...
      And yes, it was my second ever pumpkin carving.

    2. National Red Dwarf day with chocolate cake was always the best. I must reinstate that ;)
