Thursday, 31 October 2013

I had a half-thought to blog about trick-or-treating (I think I accidentally summoned loads of kids by having my pumpkin tree lit and in the dining room window, on a stand.  A quick trip to the shops for more sweets was required.)  

However, my mind has switch over to the NaNo channel, so expect quite a bit about that over this next month.  This is my last day blogging every day for October, and I am glad to say I have managed it, even if some blogs have been a bit...odd.  Whether I will manage to blog and write 1600 or so words a day remains to be seen.  

Either way, I will be typing madly away, waiting to see what turns up.  I usually (read: always) write fantasy of some sort, but I am feeling like heading into the real-world setting, more artsy zone.  Then again, I may not.  Or maybe there will be an artsy dragon.  

I am now picturing a dragon standing in front of an easel, creating a masterpiece in oils.  The subject would, of course, be a huge pile of gold, interspersed with the odd artfully placed skill-of-the-enemy.  In this rapidly developing head-canon, this enemy is reborn and then, each lifetime, ends up coming to destroy the dragon again.  He never manages it.  It has got to the point where they actually enjoy a catch up and a cup of tea over cakes before getting down to the fighting.  In fact, the last few times, the enemy has only turned up once he is already pretty much out of life, mainly as it assures reincarnation, so he can have another go at life.  

And there is how I plan to plan my NaNo - waffling without much thought until words form into a sort of loose structure.  

Last year, I started with one line: 'The first thing I knew about it was when Vish slit his throat.'  From there, I ended up creating, without meaning to, a pretty rich backstory for one of the characters from my WIP.  I mean, his name was wrong, and he had different coloured hair, and was a different species...but it was him.  Tagic love-story and everything.  

I have never reworked that NaNo.  I have lifted sections out to use as backstory, but the work itself is still sitting here on my laptop, just waiting.  I think it could become something, at some point.  There are certainly a few lines I am really pleased with (which of course means that if I ever do rework it, they will be lines which end up having to go.  So it goes.)

The eve of NaNo, or NaNo's Eve, is one of slowly building anticipation.  I am sure some people have planned a novel out, that others haven't got a clue and that all of us are a bit anxious, on some level, about the word count for each day, but we are all at the start of an adventure.  

Maybe, by this time tomorrow night, I will even know whose adventure it is.

1 comment:

  1. I roughly know what story I am telling. I know the beginning the end and, this time, two significant events in the middle. The rest is a fog. I'm looking forward to it. Of course mr JB keeps inserting things like real life and cinema so I'll have to scrabble at that word count. It'll be an adventure ...
